The Altoona Center for Martial Arts will teach you a variety of martial arts. Although our two main disciplines are Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido, we also incorporate Shotokan, Tang So Do, Kung Fu, Mu Do Kwan and Haka Doryu. Our goal is to expose you to a wide variety of martial arts. It is up to you to determine what works best for you. Visitors are always welcome to come in and observe classes.
RULE #1: You are here to learn how to beat the instructors. - The Altoona Center for Martial Arts is a fighting school. We will teach you all that we know with the hope that you will surpass those who have taught you.
RULE #2: We will not lie to you. - If you are attempting anything at the school and we feel it is correct, we will tell you. If you attempt anything at the school and we feel it is incorrect, we will tell you. Lying to you is not an option.
RULE #3: We will teach you whatever works. - Some instructors at the Altoona Center for Martial Arts like to say, We will teach you how to cheat. What they are actually saying is that, in fighting, there is no cheating. You either know how to hit me or you don't. Whether you call that cheating or alternate technique from an obscure system is not important.
RULE #4: You have to have fun. - Our instructors are perhaps some of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. We make training fun at the Altoona Center for Martial Arts.
The Altoona Center for Martial Arts is a member of the Chin Mu Kwan Tae Kwon-Do Federation under the guidance of Master Lenny Young.